La Méditerranée encore à venir
edited and produced by: Ante Prima Consultants
editorial direction: Luciana Ravanel, Ante Prima Consultants
editorial coordination: Jules Anastasio, Isabelle Perreault | Ante Prima Consultants; Liloye Chevallereau, Roberta De Ciechi | Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
authors: Paul Ardenne, Alfonso Femia, Jean-Philippe Hugron, Ante Prima Consultants
editorial project: Ante Prima Consultants, Tapiro
artistic direction, graphic design project and cover: Tapiro, AF*Design
printing: Grafiche Veneziane, Venezia
translations: Rossella Savio
©2023 Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
ISBN: 978-2-87143-427-6
The book stems from the theoretical, experimental and critical work initiated in the context of La Biennale dello Stretto (30/09-18/12/2022), project by Alfonso Femia with 500×100.
edited and produced by: Ante Prima Consultants
editorial direction: Luciana Ravanel, Ante Prima Consultants
editorial coordination: Jules Anastasio, Isabelle Perreault | Ante Prima Consultants; Liloye Chevallereau, Roberta De Ciechi | Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
authors: Paul Ardenne, Alfonso Femia, Jean-Philippe Hugron, Ante Prima Consultants
editorial project: Ante Prima Consultants, Tapiro
artistic direction, graphic design project and cover: Tapiro, AF*Design
printing: Grafiche Veneziane, Venezia
translations: Rossella Savio
©2023 Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
ISBN: 978-2-87143-427-6
The book stems from the theoretical, experimental and critical work initiated in the context of La Biennale dello Stretto (30/09-18/12/2022), project by Alfonso Femia with 500×100.