Paris, France

Redevelopment of an offices building, boulevard Davout

Paris (France)
program: Redevelopment of an occupied offices building in Paris: restoration with a thermal insulation of the facades, renovation and insulation of the roof, replacement of exterior joinery with installation of blinds, improvement of ventilation and of accessibility and fire safety, renovation of common areas, planting of vegetation around the building
> surface: 6.345 sqm
contracting authority: RIVP / Régie Immobilière de la Ville de Paris
project: Alfonso Femia / Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia with
engineering: Sibéo Ingénierie
pollution: LMPR
images: ©Alfonso Femia / Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
“Existing and contemporary, past, present and future, each element feeds the other: new buildings are designed with a sense of duration.” AF

The large number of tenants on site pushes us to highlight exchange and sharing: whether we are walking inside the common areas, or in each cell working, we will constantly have this harmony and connection with the different components of the project.
The challenge is to reinforce the notion of porosity/protection and belonging to the place with fairly limited interventions. Offering immersive conditions means making a building that belongs to the users and its environment.
The pedagogy proposed will not simply be one-off but long-term. We will not only act to improve energy performance and redevelop the common areas but also to propose a common thread capable of connecting all the spaces.
The quality of architecture is a benchmark, with particular attention to current and future uses, so that any work on the building refers to a history.
Existing and contemporary, past, present and future, each element feeds the other: new buildings are designed with a sense of duration.
The project aims to create a sur-mesure construction site, adapted to the constraints of the location and requirements: we propose a flexible approach in terms of economy and logistics, favoring modularity. We want to highlight the dimension of the project: in our experience, we are used to working on different scales.
Alfonso Femia