Fair Centre requalification
Riva del Garda (TR), Italy
program: Fair Centre requalification and enlargement, Baltera di Riva Del Garda
client: Garda Trentino Fiere spa
project: Alfonso Femia * with Rudy Ricciotti
structural, services and environmental engineering: AI Studio, AI Engineering
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia & Attu Studio
Riva del Garda (TR), Italy
program: Fair Centre requalification and enlargement, Baltera di Riva Del Garda
client: Garda Trentino Fiere spa
project: Alfonso Femia * with Rudy Ricciotti
structural, services and environmental engineering: AI Studio, AI Engineering
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia & Attu Studio
“The project regains the fantastic vision of the lake addressing the big rocky wall, refusing again the logic of language and/or the shape that prevaricates the space.” AF
Men deny the force of nature and they make the place disappear in a few hundreds metres – the industrial logic, victim of a lot of faults, violates the territory – the project regains the fantastic vision of the lake (the horizontal one of the water, the vertical one of the mountains), addressing to the big rocky wall, refusing one more time the logic of language and/or the shape that prevaricates the space – the grapevine constitutes a new place.