General Conseil of Landes building
Mont-de-Marsan, France
program: Enlargement of the General Conseil of Landes seat
area: 4 000 m2
client: General Conseil of Landes
project: Alfonso Femia * with
structural engineering, services engineering, economist: Sechaud & Bossuyt Normandie
Environmental sustainability: RFRé
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia & Julien Cottier
Mont-de-Marsan, France
program: Enlargement of the General Conseil of Landes seat
area: 4 000 m2
client: General Conseil of Landes
project: Alfonso Femia * with
structural engineering, services engineering, economist: Sechaud & Bossuyt Normandie
Environmental sustainability: RFRé
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia & Julien Cottier
“The project for the new offices of the Board of Directors is “overtly” alternative in its design, not so as to stand out from the urban fabric but to respect it, enhancing its layout and traditional appearance.” AF
The project for the new offices of the Board of Directors is “overtly” alternative in its design, not so as to stand out from the urban fabric but to respect it, enhancing its layout and traditional appearance. Situated along a blind alley way and rue Victor-Hugo, the new building encloses the corner. Compact in design, it nevertheless fits in with the profile of the other buildings along the road. In order to create continuity with the old urban fabric, we have drawn on the same features as the hotels located on neighbouring lots.