February 16th, 2021
Spain is a Mediterranean country at the forefront of urban planning policies. And it is precisely a Spanish magazine, “Arquitectura y empresa” represented by the journalist Aina Pérez Verge, to ask Alfonso Femia what he thinks about the city and the new post-pandemic paradigms.
February 16th, 2021
Spain is a Mediterranean country at the forefront of urban planning policies. And it is precisely a Spanish magazine, “Arquitectura y empresa” represented by the journalist Aina Pérez Verge, to ask Alfonso Femia what he thinks about the city and the new post-pandemic paradigms.
©Iuppiter Tv
©Iuppiter Tv
December 5th, 2020
Alfonso Femia in the event “Negativi Urbani” along with the architect Andrea Maffei, In-nova Studio, and Valerio Petrarca, Professor of Antropology at University Federico II.
Architect Giuseppe Raimondo, artistic director of Negativi Urbani, opened the event, introducing the project of antivirus models and visions for future cities.
©Lenovo Italia / Corriere Innovazione
©Lenovo Italia / Corriere Innovazione
October 22nd 2020
Alfonso Femia interviewed with Massimo Roj by the journalist Elena Papa.
Organized by Corriere Innovazione and Spazio Lenovo, the talk focused on city transformations, well-being and the innovations that are significantly changing our lifestyles and ways of living.
©Lenovo Italia / Corriere Innovazione
October 22nd 2020
Alfonso Femia interviewed with Massimo Roj by the journalist Elena Papa.
Organized by Corriere Innovazione and Spazio Lenovo, the talk focused on city transformations, well-being and the innovations that are significantly changing our lifestyles and ways of living.
June 2019
Alfonso Femia in “MIX 2019. Strategie per la città del futuro” speaks about “La città cronotopica: visione e responsabilità”.
The event, promoted by Rotary Club di Pisa, and introduced by Michele Conti, Mayor of Pisa, and Valter Tamburini, President of CCIAA di Pisa.
June 2019
Alfonso Femia in “MIX 2019. Strategie per la città del futuro” speaks about “La città cronotopica: visione e responsabilità”.
The event, promoted by Rotary Club di Pisa, and introduced by Michele Conti, Mayor of Pisa, and Valter Tamburini, President of CCIAA di Pisa.