Wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Milan
Milan, Italy
program: Redevelopment of the Wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Milan. The market is divided into two large areas: the pavilions dedicated to the wholesale market and the logistic buildings that include the wholesale self-service.
> total area: 102 248 sqm
> offices: 18 180 sqm
> activities connected to the market: 84 068 sqm
client: Ortomercato Milano
project: Alfonso Femia * with
structural, services and environmental engineering: Artelia
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
Milan, Italy
program: Redevelopment of the Wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Milan. The market is divided into two large areas: the pavilions dedicated to the wholesale market and the logistic buildings that include the wholesale self-service.
> total area: 102 248 sqm
> offices: 18 180 sqm
> activities connected to the market: 84 068 sqm
client: Ortomercato Milano
project: Alfonso Femia * with
structural, services and environmental engineering: Artelia
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
“We think that the alternation of different spaces and axes, of expansions and contractions of the urban space, is a richness of the project which offers pedestrians and users of the area numerous places to discover, always different and unique.” AF
The urban project area has been slightly enlarged and reaches a total of 67 hectares. The green plot of the site is enhanced by the development of a “green path” between the Guido Galli and Alessandrini parks, creating connections with the market and making zone B more habitable on a local level.
The market comprehends an area of about 39 hectares, between the main roads and close to the railways.
Zone B’s urban front along Via Cesare Lombroso highlights the importance of this historical axis – including the SO.GE.MI tower – and creates a new centrality.
Zone B’s second urban front is characterized by a lower density, with more local and more “fragile” programs (in particular residences). However, this urban front represents the real connection between the market and the city.
The large market roof is part of Zone A. It becomes an architectural binder and is the main facade of the project, its image, its identity. Its dimensions also guarantee flexibility in use.
The proposal is to use ‘Land Art’ elements along the Alessandrini park. For zones 1-5 and 1-6, however, given the impossibility, we propose to build between the tracks while referring to the old road connections.
The market comprehends an area of about 39 hectares, between the main roads and close to the railways.
Zone B’s urban front along Via Cesare Lombroso highlights the importance of this historical axis – including the SO.GE.MI tower – and creates a new centrality.
Zone B’s second urban front is characterized by a lower density, with more local and more “fragile” programs (in particular residences). However, this urban front represents the real connection between the market and the city.
The large market roof is part of Zone A. It becomes an architectural binder and is the main facade of the project, its image, its identity. Its dimensions also guarantee flexibility in use.
The proposal is to use ‘Land Art’ elements along the Alessandrini park. For zones 1-5 and 1-6, however, given the impossibility, we propose to build between the tracks while referring to the old road connections.