Algiers, Algeria
program: Study of a parking with a logistics area and external road layout for the Central Hospital of the Army
> total area: 13 700 m2
> number of parking spaces: 2 500
> logistics: 11,690 m2
client: Repubblica Algerina,
Ministero della Difesa Nazionale,
Direzione dei Progetti per la realizzazione delle infrastrutture sociali
project: Alfonso Femia *
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
The new parking has 2500 parking spots.
The road system is designed to allow easy access to both the parking lot and the logistics area.
The parking is characterized by a central patio that guides the users towards the pedestrian exit, located on the north-west area, which brings to the shuttle that connects to the hospital.
The project is made of simple elements:
1. a central rectangle that identifies the area dedicated to the parking, a simple and regular element that answers to the functional requests
2. the external facades that define 2 triangular patios (on the north and south areas)
3. the central green patio, for the pedestrians and necessary to illuminate and add space to the parking
4. the logistics area on the last floor, with direct access towards west and equipped with a lighting system that grants direct light to the most central areas
The building is characterized by three different façade systems:
1. a metal grid towards north
2. concrete pilasters with wire mesh where greenery grows towards south
3. to the west, the closed facade of the logistics area illuminated from the skylights