©Iuppiter Tv
December 5th, 2020
Alfonso Femia in the event “Negativi Urbani” along with the architect Andrea Maffei, In-nova Studio, and Valerio Petrarca, Professor of Antropology at University Federico II.
Architect Giuseppe Raimondo, artistic director of Negativi Urbani, opened the event, introducing the project of antivirus models and visions for future cities.
©Fondazione per l’architettura
Novembre 2020
Schools are not a personal opinion. Debates on this subject must be supported by numbers and in-depth overtime studies.
Scuola Social Impact is the project developed by Alfonso Femia in collaboration with Ivo Allegro (Iniziativa Finanza e Innovazione), along with Fondazione per l’Architettura and the Order of Architects of Turin.
November 18th 2020
Alfonso Femia talks about the Dallara Academy project together with Gianpaolo Dallara and Angelica Dallara in the webinar organized by Modulo.
Giulio De Franceschi (Business Development Manager of Mitsubishi Electric), Luigi Massa and Cesare Brizzi (Engineering Division of Casalgrande Padana), and Marco Predari (President of Universal Selecta), speak of the technologies applied in the making.
©Ordine degli Architetti di Roma
September 2020
To imagine schools as the heart of the city (at any scale), is an action of social commitment that reconfers a central duty to architecture (not only a role) in the collective growth process. This is what Alfonso Femia – who is developing a tangible idea in the design and operational formula – expressed on the matter.
July 2019
Alfonso Femia’s speech for the conference dedicated to architecture and ceramics and the award ceremony for the 8th edition of “La Ceramica e il Progetto”, promoted by Ceramics Italy and Cersaie.