Innovation Hub-School of Engineering

Padova, Italy

New Innovation Hub-School of Engineering headquarters

Padova, Italy

plan: Classrooms, laboratories, hall, cafeteria, common spaces, for a total of 17 classrooms for 3 000 students
> building area: 9 700 m2
> external area: 4 754 m2
client: Università di Padova
project: Alfonso Femia / Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia with
environmental sustainability: TIEMES srl
structures and systems: BMS progetti
technological green design: BIOS-IS srl
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia & Diorama
“Light and shadow will be the materials used in this project with the aim of telling the city of Padua, its size, and its urban fabric always in balance between nature and artifice.” AF
The new university center becomes a green wedge that fits into the new trade fair system.
The ground floor is the sum of two elements, the green area and the paved area that interpenetrate, coexist and draw the front of the building.
The green, starting from the edges, wraps the building, enters it, and climbs up to the roof, creating a technological green public space, a new space for meeting and dialogue.