Avray, France
program: Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris 2 – Housing, nursing home, services (medical center, post office, daycare) and shops in 4 sites located in Avray
> total area: 13 916 m2
> housing: 11 448 m2
> residences: 7 098 m2
> nursing home: 4 350 m2
> services: 2 468 m2
> medical center: 200 m2
> post office: 441 m2
> daycare + assistants: 1027 m2
> stores: 800 m2
client: Legendre Immobilier
project: Alfonso Femia / Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia with ARCAS
landscaper: Après La Pluie
images: ©Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
Of the 30 sites chosen for the ” Inventons la métropole du Grand Paris 2″ competition, the Cœur de Ville d´Avray is probably one of those that requires a project more deeply rooted in the history of the place.
The site belongs to a rare category of places: those whose urban, architectural and landscape potentials are palpable but which today are solitary and silently waiting.
In response to the challenges of the site, we – a team definitely in love with history – wish to imagine a positive and unprecedented response, a space-time device, pragmatic and poetic, respectful of the already existing and moving towards the future …
The site also has a special relationship with nature, which we are patiently going to rebuild.
A vector of poetry, enthusiasm, emotion. Architecture cannot leave you indifferent, it must provoke the senses, sharpen the sensations.
A response to a need for meeting and convergence of external audiences and those belonging to the site, in a climate of relaxation and conviviality favorable to exchange and emulation.
A unifying project, bearer of identity that will bring vitality, dynamism and energy to the site.
To create a common thread of interactions between heritage, culture, education, nature and daily life at the district level. To enhance and strengthen the beauty of the heritage of this central district in order to create a symbiosis between architecture and landscape and bring transparency and porosity.